
Current teaching

Econometrics (2022-), L3 EID-EIF, Université Pars-Dauphine

Linear econometrics and ordinary least squares estimator. International and Development Economics - Bachelor’s Year 3.

Micro-econometrics (2022-), M1 AID, Université Pars-Dauphine

Teaching assistant for Philippe De Vreyer, in the first year of the Master AID.

Past teaching

Advanced econometrics (2021), M1 Master of Economics, Université Paris-Saclay

Teaching assistant for Hugo Molina, Julien Monardo and Margherita Comola in the first year of the Master of Economics. Link to syllabus.

Econometrics (2017-2021), L3 Economie, ENS Paris-Saclay

Teaching assistant for Jean-Christophe Tavanti in the Social Science Department at ENS Paris-Saclay. Link to problem sets. Link to syllabus.

Bootcamps (2021), M1 Master of Economics, Université Paris-Saclay

Microeconomics (2017-2021), L3 Economie, ENS Paris-Saclay

Economie publique (2016), L3 Economie, Université Paris-Descartes


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